SPS woes


New member
So some of my sps have slowly been receding over the course of the last couple of months. I have been trying to find a culprit and have come up short. I had a somewhat large (relative to me) colony that I cut up because it was receding. A few of the cut up pieces stopped receding but other have kept receding. I have a 29 gal nanno and once every other week I dump in a tsp of part A and an hour later a tsp of part B... has anyone had a bad experience dumping in these additives like I have mentioned? Wondering if that could be the cause of the slow receding? I know many use a drip to add A and B. Oh and side note... if anyone has a used drip mechanism for sale on the cheap shoot me a pm.
You say 29 nano, is this an all in one like a biocube? If you are on stock lighting, only the hardiest of Birdsnest and pocillopora for branching sps will really be "ok" in the tank. Acros and millies would be a poor choice. If you have upgraded lighting this would change things, but my first though is already weak lighting and bulbs getting older. PC bulbs need even more frequent changes than T5's do.
What are your parameters (Calcium/alkalinity/magnesium/nitrates/Phosphates)? any temp swings? You have to make sure you only dose on demand, so you should know your numbers before dosing, especially in a nano, where you can have alot of parameter swings which is bad for SPS.