Sump help please


New member
Ok I just bought a 29 gallon tank and had 4 pieces of glass cut to 15 inches. I need a 3 chamber sump with refuge in the center. I placed the first piece of glass about three inches off the bottom. Then placed second piece on the bottom so it's 15 inches off the bottom. Then the third piece is on the bottom and 15 inches tall. The fourth and last piece is three inches off of the bottom.
Ok so now the good stuff. Did I mess up. I see most skimmers run in 8 inches of water. If I place mine on the bottom of the tank it will be in 15 inches of water. Easy fix right. Wrong. I can't raise the skimmer up to high because I only have about 25 inches of Clarence to bottom of the tank. You say cut down the inner two pieces to lower the water level. Well, then I have less time for evaporation. Them my tank fills with micro bubbles. Add a top off right. I'm limited on space outside the tank. O and the baffles are glued in already and I would rather not start over. Maybe I have to. Someone please help me out.
Ok, so this is an easy fix, if you are willing to split your overflow line and move your fuge to the opposite side of the tank from your skimmer, placing the return chamber between.

Leave two glass plates 15" tall for the fuge and skimmer. Use a glass cutting wheel, and cut one plate in half into two 7 1/2" tall plates. The last plate will just be a spare.

Set the first 7 1/2" plate 1 1/2" up from the bottom of the tank, and about 7" over.
Set second 7 1/2" plate about an inch or so over, flush with the bottom of the tank.
Set one 15" plate about an inch or so over, up enough to leave at least a 1/2"-3/4" gap at the bottom.
Set second 15" plate about 6"-7" over (room for return pump) flush with bottom of tank.

Of course, make sure that all sharp edges have been polished and round all bottom corners that touch bottom of tank to not cut the silicone.

What this will do is allow you to control flow to the separate fuge area, and maximize your water volume in that area with the very tall baffle. Set the flow low to the fuge, and allow the water to flow down the glass, not rush over like a waterfall. You will also want to install a filter sock to the skimmer area if you don't have one, uneaten food will very quickly accumulate in your skimmer chamber if you dont cut flow when you feed.

Hope this information helps.

Of course you can salvage it, just cut the baffles back out and scrape the silicone off the glass before starting over. Might be a bit of a PITA scraping the silicone off if you want to be super careful not to put any scratches in the glass.
The glass ones will be fine if you don't break them, just follow the instructions I provided and you will have a kick butt sump when done.
All baffles cut so I have 4x9" and 4x6" any help on placement would be apricated as my new skimmer will be here Saturday. Thanks. Scott