Supporter giveaways?


New member
How about getting supporters another giveaway? IIRC that was supposed to be a big asset of being a supporter was having better odds in the "supporter only" giveaways. Haven't seen a single giveaway since the original one. Also still looking for my t-shirt, not even sure where it ended up or who has it.
Honestly I know I have only been on here for just under a month, but I couldn't tell you who runs the forum outside the two mods. I have been a supporter since day one I joined and the only times I even know of reference to the owner is when he was brought up by the mods about his vision for hidden reef chit chat and when he posted a thank you for becoming a supporter.

Looking at his recent posts it would seem he only comes on to take care of admin type things, and isn't really involved with the users (again just observation from the last month)

For a good example of what I would call a hands on owner would be revhtree over at reef2reef, and I don't mean this to be critical but to give an example. I like this place because of the more local focus, but still having an identifiable figure helps all the way around along with getting sponsors to pony up for giveaways.
Mike/Eyereef is the owner/admin. I believe he started this forum before he got into the residency of his field. (Optometry, if I remember right) I'm guessing he's pretty busy these days with that. If I have stated anything inaccurately, please correct my post. :)
Mike/Eyereef is the owner/admin. I believe he started this forum before he got into the residency of his field. (Optometry, if I remember right) I'm guessing he's pretty busy these days with that. If I have stated anything inaccurately, please correct my post. :)

I think you are right and I remember him mentioning a VA hospital so he may be in the military? I like the way he swoops in from time to time and acts on suggestions, but he must be pretty busy because he definitely used to do it more often. I'd help out too if it's just a matter of volunteering.

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Hey guys,
I hate to be seen as this mysterious admin guy but I guess I brought that upon myself.
Nate and Victor are right, I have been incredibly busy for the last several months due to work at the VA hospital in Las Vegas. I check this forum multiple times a day with the free time I get between seeing patients to make sure everything is running smoothly. Everyone has been awesome to one another and as a result this community has proven to be self running. Of course you'll see me pop my head in from time to time for some minor upkeeping. Hopefully in the near future things will settle down in my life and I will get a chance to finally get a tank up and become an active member again.*
No not given, with paid support you got one! My wife wear it more than I do.....kinda like a sleepy shirt.

thats what I meant, If you paid for the membership, you got a shirt?

or was it a limited time thing or a way to get more supporters?
I'm curious if there is any update on this? Should supporting members expect to be seeing another giveaway anytime soon? Seems like a lot of new site sponsors have also come aboard since the last time there was a big giveaway open to all members. Will there be any site-wide giveaways coming up soon as well?.
I'm curious if there is any update on this? Should supporting members expect to be seeing another giveaway anytime soon? Seems like a lot of new site sponsors have also come aboard since the last time there was a big giveaway open to all members. Will there be any site-wide giveaways coming up soon as well?.

Eye was in chat last night and said there is something in the works, but not sure if it was for supporters or everyone.