T-5 light suggestions

I run blue antinics on my 125 reef with 3 MH bulbs and moonlights, I leave the antinics on for 2 hours after MH go off for the night to lower lights to the moon cycle.
I run blue antinics on my 125 reef with 3 MH bulbs and moonlights, I leave the antinics on for 2 hours after MH go off for the night to lower lights to the moon cycle.

Yep, dawn/dusk is good stuff. I used to do the same thing before I had an LED fixture that ramps up and down.
Good idea ted, Ill probably do that. I agree with no actinics but i run stunner led strips in my hood on that tank so they wouldn't be needed on my tank.

What kind of stunner led strips do you have? I'll probably dump my True Actinic and add an extra Blue+ next time.
What kind of stunner led strips do you have? I'll probably dump my True Actinic and add an extra Blue+ next time.

I'm ordering some UV stunner strips in the near future. I'm sure Ecotech will incorporate UV into the next iteration of Radion LED clusters but that's too long of a wait.

I think they have Magenta (blue and violet) strips that would be really cool as a dawn/dusk effect.
pardon ignorance, but does the UV do anything for growth or is it pure cosmetic?

the videos of the magenta/blue strip actually gives a really cool color, i like it alot.
pardon ignorance, but does the UV do anything for growth or is it pure cosmetic?

Unclear at this point. UV lovers say it does, others say it doesn't. No real scholars have weighed in yet. MH bulbs contain UVA and UVB. Some require being filtered out by the glass shields under the MH bulbs in order to protect not only your reef but yourself. My overall goal is to emulate a 20k Radium bulb, which contains a decent amount of UV.