Taking pictures/looking at your tank....


New member
Just wondering how many people look down into their tank to look at all the pretty corals? Or do you pull up a seat and look through the front of the tank?

If you look through the front of your tank..... Why would you buy coral from a place that you can only see it by using a coral viewer? You're not gonna see it that way in your tank... It's going to look different.

Just curious with all the top down pics from vendors and been to a lot of stores that make you look down into a trough....

If this is in the wrong section, mods please move. :)
I dont care how i see my corals usually sitting on the chair and stare however i really enjoy looking down at at clams ....no pun intended
I usually look through the glass, although I occasionally take some pictures with the lids off.

My tank is a peninsula, so I get to see in through two large panels and one small panels. That means I get twice as much viewing area for my money, and I can also have better coral placement than most. :)
I do both... But love the most is to sit down and have a few beers..

Agreed, doing so right now. :beer: Nice way to unwind after a craptastic day!

As for top down vs front viewing, aren't your lights different from the LFS? Just saying there are many differences, not just the viewing angle.
Sometimes I get suprised when I bring home a coral but usually it looks close to what it did in LFS or internet store. As time goes on, colors always change once the coral becomes adjusted.
I agree, lights do make a difference... Having actinics or blue LEDs highlight the fluorescence of the coral. That's why we buy those type of lights.
The point is making an informed decision about what you're buying.... And not what you think you're buying.
I agree, lights do make a difference... Having actinics or blue LEDs highlight the fluorescence of the coral. That's why we buy those type of lights.
The point is making an informed decision about what you're buying.... And not what you think you're buying.

I couldn't agree with you more! Even a cruddy acro can look awesome from the top - down. I like to see my purchases straigh-on.