Tang's question ?


Premium member
I'm thinking about adding a Sailfin Tang to my tank

I have 3 other tangs now
Powder Brown
Yellow Tang
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

My tank is a 150

Any thoughts on this Tang or suggestions on a different one?



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Sailfin and the yellow tang are both zebrasoma. So if your yellow tang is aggressive at all it would definitely go after the sailfin. If any of the other tangs are aggressive they could also attack the sailfin. With all that said it's really a gamble adding tangs with existing tangs, but I'd add it. I love my sailfin

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I'm thinking about adding a Sailfin Tang to my tank

I have 3 other tangs now
Powder Brown
Yellow Tang
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

My tank is a 150

Any thoughts on this Tang or suggestions on a different one?



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I would go for it Brad i have 2 sailfins in with 6 yellows & a purple and the red seas are beautiful fish & they dominated the tank till i added a Blue Ring Angel and now he is the KING .. GO FOR IT


So will it be the dominant one

How are they with your LPS's

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So will it be the dominant one

How are they with your LPS's

they are fine with my LPS as a matter of fact they dont bother any of the coral at all but are hell on snails . I have a Desjardin's Sailfin Tang & a Pacific Red Sea Sailfin Tang and the Desjardin's Sailfin was the king and they were 2 of the last Tangs introduced to the tank . Forgot to mention they do all get along but the red seas are bigger then the yellows and the Blue ring is bigger then the red seas so SIZE MATTERS may come into play . Good luck
Isn't the Chevron Tang a similar body as the Kole Tang?

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