Tank stand


Active member
Ok so the new solana tank I'm going to set up needs a stand and I'm thinking a unfinished cabinet from Home Depot like a double door kitchen one and I'm thinking it will work givin how cheap the bio cube stands are made it should work correct
On one of my 40b systems i used a vanity cabinet and worked great.

If you were closer...id be able to send you to a place where they sell new cabinets that customers decided not to buy.

These range but. My cousin got a 250 dollar vanity for 80 bucks there.

It may be worth the drive for you.
But yes the weight will hold. You can then flexseal the inside. I used a coutertop top for the base to sit the tank on.
On one of my 40b systems i used a vanity cabinet and worked great.

If you were closer...id be able to send you to a place where they sell new cabinets that customers decided not to buy.

These range but. My cousin got a 250 dollar vanity for 80 bucks there.

It may be worth the drive for you.
But yes the weight will hold. You can then flexseal the inside. I used a coutertop top for the base to sit the tank on.

Hey man thanks a lot going to look at some now
Good luck bud. They definitely will have vanities. 20 deep.

Im actually still using a 4ft long one on my 6ft tank. I just built a 2ft extension for it.

Hope you find something there.
For the 40b no. You can see when you get there that some cabinets are made of that pressed board same as the stands sold for aquariums.
Then theres other cabinets that feel alot stronger and are made from better materials. The one for the 40b was pressed wood and had no issues

My cousin set up a 110g 4ft long and a 4ft vanity cabinet from seigles that was made from non pressed wood, you can see the diference on his vanity.

On the 6ft long i have now. I did reinforce it. I placed the countertop on 2x4 so the weight was actually on the 2x4 and the cabinit was sitting holding minimal weight.
Not sure that makes sence.