Tapatalk is selling your information


Team CR
I got this alert from other forum:

Some of you use the *** Tapatalk Branded App and Tapatalk App and we have tried to keep it working as long as possible. But I recently found out that the company who makes the app (Tapatalk) has started to store user information from forums and have begun to sell advertising based upon this information. We don't sell your info and we don't like the fact that we can't have control over that aspect to keep others from doing it. Another reason is that we like to have control over our community and we don't like some of the tactics used by Tapatalk to force us to comply with their methodology. They also will not support the full features of our forum and it leaves for an incomplete experience for some users at times.

As a result we have made the decision to remove Tapatalk support from *** and unpublish our app.

Well, that’s not good, but until there is another alternative, Tapatalk it is. I’m surely not just going to use my browser.
Based on my understanding, Tapatalk was selling location data, so as long as you have location services disabled for the app, there's no risk.
Well, that’s not good, but until there is another alternative, Tapatalk it is. I’m surely not just going to use my browser.
Why not tho? I never got into Tapatalk. But I mean open up a browser tab and store login info for forums. Now days as soon as a password now put in. It prompts to store.

By browser you ment mobile right? Not like desktop/laptop/pc.
I'm on the other side. Less apps more browser tabs.
Why not tho? I never got into Tapatalk. But I mean open up a browser tab and store login info for forums. Now days as soon as a password now put in. It prompts to store.

By browser you ment mobile right? Not like desktop/laptop/pc.
I'm on the other side. Less apps more browser tabs.

Yeah, I meant mobile browser. Tapatalk is just so easy on my phone and the interface is simple and nice. Browser is slower and you have to go from page to page within a single thread. Uploading pics is a pain.
No matter what they sell and what apps you are using, be careful. Lot of scammers all over the places.