No, I'm not a communist..
This is bad, sorry to hear.
Wow, thats just dreadful, I'm really sorry to hear that! I would be devastated, so hopefully you bounce back and regain balance in your micro-world!
@tinman: You'd asked how you can tell if a 'nem is dangerous, well essentially they all are. The problem with 'nems is that they will conduct chemical warfare with any other cnidarians aka stinging corals and other 'nems. They will do this if they are close enough other 'nems or corals to sense them (even their own species unless they are clones). If your tank cannot handle the additional load of toxins, this will adversely affect your fish and other creatures as well, in some cases killing everything. This is all before you run into problems with them being unhappy, detatching, and going for a ride - which for many of us means that they will end in a powerhead or overflow - leading to obvious stress / death for the 'nem which will again poison your whole tank. Basically, 'nems can lead to dangerous situations in more ways than one, research your species fully before you get one, and then hope for the best! These are beautiful creatures, so it makes sense that we all want to add them (me included)! They are also magnificent creatures in the wild, and many specieis can live upwards of 80+ years (assuming nothing kills them first). Please note I'm not trying to say you didnt do research etc Jeff! I'm sure you did everything you could to avoid a bad situation! Just wanted to answer tinman's question briefly!
I hope you recover and build another beautiful tank for some new fish!
Ugh, that sucks Jeff! Anything I can do?
Sorry to hear such bad news Jeff. Keep you head up.
No!! I'm sorry Bro...
Same thing happened to me. Except I lost a lot of very expensive fish. My wife doesn't ever want me to have another. They blow up like that and ur screwed. U did everything u could. Good luck moving forward.
Sorry to hear that Jeff. LMK if I can help.
Do u have a powerhead in your tank? My guess is that the anemone released and floated into your powerhead. Mine did that when I still had anemones, so I sold them all. I will never own one again because of that.
I'm so sorry to hear that bro...keep your head up.
Such is the life of a reefer. It matters not what we do. It all rests in the hands of our captive creatures. I know you expected something like this would happen, as do I. It's a fragile world we try to recreate. There's nothing you could have done. Nature did it all for you. Rest easy fellow reefer, you provided them a stable environment. Keep your head up and carry on.
Oh man Jeff, I'm really sorry to hear this. I know I get really bummed out just losing an acro frag. Just remain positive and you'll bounce back.
Midas Blenny. sorry he didnt make it man
Sorry to hear that Jeff. I feel ur pain :-(
OH NO!!!! I'm sorry Jeff. That's a lot of death to deal with. Stay strong, sweetie.![]()
Sorry to hear about your troubles Jeff.
That sucks dude, sorry to hear. Dangit. I just got two nems, maybe I shouldn't have?
sorry to hear bro....keep your chin up
Demmit, this is scaring me![]()
feel sorry for you bro .. is it possible that something is wrong with the nem itself ? i mean how do we know if its not doing good ?
sorry to hear the bad news jeff.. hope all turns out
Do u have a powerhead in your tank? My guess is that the anemone released and floated into your powerhead. Mine did that when I still had anemones, so I sold them all. I will never own one again because of that.
Wow, thats just dreadful, I'm really sorry to hear that! I would be devastated, so hopefully you bounce back and regain balance in your micro-world!
@tinman: You'd asked how you can tell if a 'nem is dangerous, well essentially they all are. The problem with 'nems is that they will conduct chemical warfare with any other cnidarians aka stinging corals and other 'nems. They will do this if they are close enough other 'nems or corals to sense them (even their own species unless they are clones). If your tank cannot handle the additional load of toxins, this will adversely affect your fish and other creatures as well, in some cases killing everything. This is all before you run into problems with them being unhappy, detatching, and going for a ride - which for many of us means that they will end in a powerhead or overflow - leading to obvious stress / death for the 'nem which will again poison your whole tank. Basically, 'nems can lead to dangerous situations in more ways than one, research your species fully before you get one, and then hope for the best! These are beautiful creatures, so it makes sense that we all want to add them (me included)! They are also magnificent creatures in the wild, and many specieis can live upwards of 80+ years (assuming nothing kills them first). Please note I'm not trying to say you didnt do research etc Jeff! I'm sure you did everything you could to avoid a bad situation! Just wanted to answer tinman's question briefly!
I hope you recover and build another beautiful tank for some new fish!