Looks like these guys are having problems so call the company direct http://www.averageguysaquatics.com/ Here they are.....http://cerameco.com/gallery/
Nice build coming up love the rock work
Looks good n about time!
Tank is looking great bro..
Thanks! I'm really happy with this tank. Fits great where its at and the radion lights it up perfectly.
Tank looks nice, plumbing looks great, Radion looks perfect, nice work!
that radion is up HIGH!like the clean aquascape
3 out of 4 Jeff. The last one is a yellow Assesor. My plans r to get a helfrichi and later down the road once my fuge is going I will try and Ora mandarin.
Dam it lol.. I totally forgot the yellow assessor is super small lol.. How are the helfrichi Firefish? Are they the same care as Firefish or different?