Thoughts on CMAS swap

Sup people. I am the guy with designer Clown Fish. Yes insurance is an issue. However the real issue is enough power. Must venues will pop breakers all day. Corals close, people walk by your stand when it's dark. It's always an issue. Second. I love fragers at swaps. Cheep prices drive the door. Most venders hate fragers because it dilutes the cash. I think 5$ frags is the best advertisement. When you make the venue biger the table prices go up. The vfw works out to 50$ a table. That's cheep. That's not why fragers didn't come. Several of them have crashed lately. On a deferent note I hope my prices were good? I try to keep them low. Also Beefy try's to keep his prices low. We believe low prices is what the swap is all about.

Your prices were awesome!! I lost one of my baby clowns, but I think that was just because he was so small and got lost in the ocean of my tank. I'll see you again for another though.

Thanks for the great deal!!
I am the guy with designer Clown Fish. Yes insurance is an issue. However the real issue is enough power. Must venues will pop breakers all day. Corals close, people walk by your stand when it's dark.


I love everyone's enthusiasm, but a public event just can't be winged out of someone's garage.
Sup people. I am the guy with designer Clown Fish. Yes insurance is an issue. However the real issue is enough power. Must venues will pop breakers all day. Corals close, people walk by your stand when it's dark. It's always an issue. Second. I love fragers at swaps. Cheep prices drive the door. Most venders hate fragers because it dilutes the cash. I think 5$ frags is the best advertisement. When you make the venue biger the table prices go up. The vfw works out to 50$ a table. That's cheep. That's not why fragers didn't come. Several of them have crashed lately. On a deferent note I hope my prices were good? I try to keep them low. Also Beefy try's to keep his prices low. We believe low prices is what the swap is all about.

I was really impressed by your willingness to educate the reefers at the swap Booyah. I stood there for several minutes while you taught clownfish genetics in way that was easily grasped by everyone. Thanks for sharing your craft and thanks for the tiny ocellaris pair for an amazing price!
Sup people. I am the guy with designer Clown Fish. Yes insurance is an issue. However the real issue is enough power. Must venues will pop breakers all day. Corals close, people walk by your stand when it's dark. It's always an issue. Second. I love fragers at swaps. Cheep prices drive the door. Most venders hate fragers because it dilutes the cash. I think 5$ frags is the best advertisement. When you make the venue biger the table prices go up. The vfw works out to 50$ a table. That's cheep. That's not why fragers didn't come. Several of them have crashed lately. On a deferent note I hope my prices were good? I try to keep them low. Also Beefy try's to keep his prices low. We believe low prices is what the swap is all about.

I also appreciated the knowledge u shared during the swap.. Regarding clownfish genetics and asking all the mutliple questions we reefers had.. Also i liked how before we made the final purchase on the clowns u checked them to see if theres any abnormalities and made sure that we a perfect and healthy specimen.. Now thats great service..

Also thank u for the awesome deal on the platinum clown i got :) its currently hosting some xenia(thanks herbs) and is eating like a pig
Sup people. I am the guy with designer Clown Fish. Yes insurance is an issue. However the real issue is enough power. Must venues will pop breakers all day. Corals close, people walk by your stand when it's dark. It's always an issue. Second. I love fragers at swaps. Cheep prices drive the door. Most venders hate fragers because it dilutes the cash. I think 5$ frags is the best advertisement. When you make the venue biger the table prices go up. The vfw works out to 50$ a table. That's cheep. That's not why fragers didn't come. Several of them have crashed lately. On a deferent note I hope my prices were good? I try to keep them low. Also Beefy try's to keep his prices low. We believe low prices is what the swap is all about.

Hey Mitch, all the clowns I got are doing great! My guys are loving the 180, and the pair you picked out for Dre sound to be loving their new home. One apparently had an accident the first day, but no harm done so he named it "Lucky" thanks again! Can't wait for the next batch of darksides to be ready!
Hey Mitch, all the clowns I got are doing great! My guys are loving the 180, and the pair you picked out for Dre sound to be loving their new home. One apparently had an accident the first day, but no harm done so he named it "Lucky" thanks again! Can't wait for the next batch of darksides to be ready!

LOL!!! Yes, Lucky is doing well and learned real fast... They look great and brought a smile :D

Thanks Mitch / Booyahsreef ;)
I also appreciated the knowledge u shared during the swap.. Regarding clownfish genetics and asking all the mutliple questions we reefers had.. Also i liked how before we made the final purchase on the clowns u checked them to see if theres any abnormalities and made sure that we a perfect and healthy specimen.. Now thats great service..

Also thank u for the awesome deal on the platinum clown i got :) its currently hosting some xenia(thanks herbs) and is eating like a pig

Yes, Mitch is the man...His clowns always healthy.


I want too see picture of your new Darkside, Mitch.