thoughts on sump idea


Well-known member
So i was thnking of making a sump for my nuvo 8.. was wondering what do u guys think of these equipments..

thnking of getting:
Eshop overflow box
Eshop reef sump 10 gallon

Was thnking of also making it to a refugium.. let me knw what u guys thnk..
Love Eshopps stuff for sure, but you might be better of financially making a sump of your own unless space is an issue. 10 gallon tanks are cheap, so is acrylic, and so is silicone! Timewise it might be a wash I suppose though.
I had my sump made by Anthony at Nanoseacreations. I thought about making it myself but my wife reminded me that I would be working with inferior equipment - my hands and my brain.