Well not sure what to make of it ..
Last week i tested my alk and
found its at 5.5 dkh. ( only couple of corals names one colony of palys and a monti looked bad )
so not having a test for Mag or supplement for calc, i
used only fusion alk part and raised alk to 8.5 over 3 days ( I know thats fast)
now i recieved my calc and mag tests and cal supplement last saturday so i tested for all three and
Calc - 480
Mag - 1470
Alk 8.3
did a
10 gallon water change ( over a 50 cube with 10 in sump) with
red sea coral pro salt water mix yesterday morning
i tested all three this morning again
Calc 600
Mad 1500
Alk - 7.3
what the heck should i do ? why is my alk dropping while my other two are constant ?

should i dose only alk ? oh and mine is now mostly lps with some sps no major alk gulpers as far as i know..
HELP !!! HELP !!! HELP !!!