Tinned Reef

Thanks Guys

New stand Coming this weekend so its gonna be much nicer :D

i just have to hold the horses down and not get everything i see lol
Did you decide to move any of the corals based on your PAR values?

Sorry didnt see this message till now ..

Yes based on the par values .. i have to move my wow palys and pinkhippos from their spots .. pink hippos need lesser light and wow palys needed more light

ans also the righ most section is not usable by corals i believe with just 100 par so that area is left out for sun corals and other NPS
now that i figured out whats killing my fish (yes isopods with some nasty name)

i have to start completely from the scratch ..

what all remained of the fish is rescued and are in QT now ..

ill be completely emptying the tank, scrub it clean and nice and go with new rock and sand .. corals will be QTed for a bit while they go thru multiple dips in revive and iodine solutions. .. and will be returned to tank shortly (like in a week)

now that im completely redesigning and its like a new reef lol im thinking of going with a new light (getting sick off the all the wires from my diy fixture) .. mostly kessil or maxspect razor but thats undecided for now ..

updates on new scape shortly ...and big thanks to fishbeard .. the pieces are awesome (wink wink like them more than what i have in my tank at the moment )
No prob! U should give shout out to markitekt too since it used to be his rock. Lookin forward to the final scape.
back on track ..
dipped all corals and new rock new sand and new scape, fish still in qt though