Last one Matt V Rainbow or RR Angry Bird? Or something else?
A quick phone shot under 20k lighting
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Looks like someone needs to upgrade! Haha
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thats the problem .. i cant upgradei like cube tanks .. if i go bigger for a 93 cube .. i still will have similar real estate but a lot more work ..
so i let go of some old pieces and then replace them with new (nicer) pieces haha
Why not add a cube frag tankstick with the cube theme
I always loved my 40g breeder. A lot less work and more time to spend looking at everything. Tanks great looking, keep up the love you’re giving it
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I need to put more work into my tank.These pics make me dream....
(Full)tank is right�� what till Thursday to post FTT
keep your levels contant and dont over feed haha
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lol why wait till thursday for FTT thread ?hows your matt v doing .
Nice! What is it?