Looking for deals and frags you dont find at LFS.Why do you attend the events? Do you go for speakers or are you just looking for a good deal?
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Looking for deals and frags you dont find at LFS.Why do you attend the events? Do you go for speakers or are you just looking for a good deal?
Why do you attend the events? Do you go for speakers or are you just looking for a good deal?
The Chicago area was lucky enough to have 3 aquarium events since August starting with Aquashella, then then Aquatium Extravaganza and then the midwest aquatic convention last weekend. Next year there is likely to be at least 4 events. Do you think there are too many events? What makes you want to attend the events?
The Chicago area was lucky enough to have 3 aquarium events since August starting with Aquashella, then then Aquatium Extravaganza and then the midwest aquatic convention last weekend. Next year there is likely to be at least 4 events. Do you think there are too many events? What makes you want to attend the events?
Like shows start at 11:00 am and is over by 3:00 pm so really 4 hour dont give enought time to escape from work for those who work those times
Why do you attend the events? Do you go for speakers or are you just looking for a good deal?