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Thanks for the the post Todd. So sorry to hear about the tank and all the issues. Glad we were able to get a snap shot in time of it when we did, I always appreciate being able to look back to where my tank was in time and compare to today every now and then. Our tanks are so sensative, never know when they go south or on the plus side bounce back and look amazing. Here's hoping yours turns the corner and comes back.
I just say this thread, so I figured I'd respond to a few things posted here.
First, and the point of the OP, the coral in question is a purple Gorgonian. It is photosynthetic , and has been easy for me to keep. I've had it over 10 years, and has survived several crashes. i don't see them that much locally, and they are usually a pretty cheap coral to buy.
If you want a chunk, lmk, as my fish routinely knock pieces off.But I'm way out in the boonies.

Second ,
Josh contacted me about doing tank of the month/quarter/year, whatever. I was honored to be asked, and didn't know if my tank was up to that level. I started to have some issues , right before then, so it wasn't at it's peak.I also did not have access or ability to good photographic equipment. I didn't know if I could do justice to accurately represent the tank.All photos were from an i-phone, they were under all MH lighting, with no supplementation.So the clarity and the"pop" of the colors didn't look as nice as those using blue supplementation, with led's t-5's etc. and good equipment and photo skills. I live out in the boonies, so not many locals have that stuff available to me.
Also the time and logistics of doing a layout for the tank, were beyond my scope. I considered all these things, before committing.
Josh was nice enough to offer to do the heavy lifting and put together the article.All i basically did , was try to get some photo's of the tank and forward them to him along with some basic info on myself, and my system.I don't know how much time he put into everything, but it was a lot more than mine. So he should get some Kudos's for finding a tank to put on the site and for getting the article together. I'm sure he has asked others before, and they may have very well declined for some of the same reasons i considered.
I did join the sight in 2013, and have made some posts prior to and after my tank was featured. I live in the boonies and came across this sight after talking to a few people at a CMAS swap. Not being local, I didn't have the benefit of interaction of other reefers hooked up with the site. My primary Site, as many of us before CR, was RC. I have been a member there since 2001.It was nice to have a fairly local sight to post on without the heavy hand of RC.My "local" club has come and gone, along with many of the local reefers over the years.I have and do spend some time on here, though I don't post as often. Most times by the time I see a post, most of the info was been asked and answered or i don't feel I have the knowledge to assist.I really don't like to post , just for posting's sake.Since and slightly before the tank was featured, I've had big issues with the tank and my personal life to not really want to showcase any of my tank.I tried to use a ARID reactor to improve water quality, which I probably should have left alone, and changed some of my husbandry to per the manufacturers instructions.I never could grow cheato, my water quality got worse, and I got AEFW's. I lost 75% of my tank since it was featured. I went through a total break down of the sps, and placed them in quarantine in the fall. I went 8+ weeks fallow in the display tank, dipped every week in the quarantine tub. I put corals back in , after not seeing any AEFW's or eggs for 3+ weeks.
The last two weeks, I found some small AEFW's it' looks like back to square one.I 've suffered some injuries , which keep me from being able to get into the tank as much, and I've had alot less free time, with household responsibilities, since my wife has been commuting to work now.
So i don't feel I came out of no where or that I left like a fart in the wind, but to each his own.
If you don't like something here , I'm sure Josh would take the feed back. And it appears he has to some extent. If this was RC, I think some posters may be on vacation for a while.
Any way, I don't like to post unless I feel it's useful or if someone has a question.
In this case I think I should post something.

Most feel u did come and go like a fart in the wind and im not worried about vacations . Im way more involved on this site then you seem like you will ever be so if they want to ban me be my guest my life wont end over it . As i said he started with the tude i just made a comment he started in im not gonna back down.
Well I didn't intend my post to be offensive,but you seem set on making my things adversarial.
Sorry , I.m not gonna bite.
Hopefully the OP got the information he was looking for , that was the focus of the thread.
Now that we've come to an understanding, and the OP has his answer on the type of coral, I'm gonna close the thread, so that we can keep the peace. Thanks everyone. ☺
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