Triton method 35g cube


Premium member
I am in the middle of setting up a 35g cube 24g sump and a 40 breeder refugium on this and going to be running The Triton method on this tank. As of right now I have everything to start to build just need to plumb my 40 breeder into the current set up that's been running for one week.


Deep blue 35g rimless cube
Deep blue 24g cube (sump)
40 breeder refugium
Jebao return pump
Mp10 or gyer
Jebao doser (to get things started)
Reef octopus 150 classic skimmer
200w Neoterm hater
Radion xr30 pro g3
Kessil refugium light
70lbs of rock
20lbs of sand


Sps Dominant


Lots of macro algae
Clean up crew
About 5 fish don't know what yet View attachment 22522

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Got the sump set up today will be putting in on the stand tomarrow and starting to get water made to finish it up

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Looks good. Will that water level you have set handle the extra water if the pump goes off?

Yes should have no problem with holding the water

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe 5g will drain out of the 40b and 5 or so out of the main display being 10g in total
Awesome isn't that tank a little small for one

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He's a little guy, so t have home to lo g and I have a 140g that he will get moved to when he gets to big. Already planed out my man

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