Troublemaker's 80g DB Frag Forest

Who knows. I purchased the remainder of a frag system off somebody, they were all from JF, Cherry Corals and Battlecorals, but since they all came brown I really didn't care. The furry green one is RR Excalibur. If I like the color, I buy it, but usually forget the names. I am picking up a Walt Disney tomorrow, I'm sure I will remember that one.

The Radions have made it real easy to get good coloring. Much easier than my lights in the past, from PC, T5, VHO, 250w to 400w, these are by far the easiest thing I have used. It took a while for my Fuge to grow in and We feed very heavy for an LPS/NPS tank that is attached to the same system, so nutrients were pretty high until the Macro Algaes caught up. I don't use GFO or any other non natural nutrient export besides a skimmer so it wasn't a system that matured quickly.
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Looks awesome bro

Thanks. The tank is just coming up on the 1 year mark so things are falling into line. The Radions and I unfortunately didn't ever come to any sort of agreement so they are just being tried as supplemental light. Changing back to the MH/T5 light has jump started the growth again, but coloring has definitely faded. It's just a big box of water with a bunch of sticks still, but those sticks seem to be making more sticks.

Actually the LPS tank attached to this system is the show piece right now.
You have to love when your diamond in the rough brown out turns out to be you favorite piece. This guy has blue, green and yellow polyps. I just blasted it with a turkey baster so they are all retracted.

Here it was about a month or so ago, but you can see how much better the color was under Radions than my current MH.

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It's amazing what can be done in two hours. A quick trip to Big R, two saw horses, one hanging kit to hang two lights and I have a pretty decent back up until the new tank arrives.