Trying to reduce my electrical bill $$$

Well ComEd switched me over to the hourly rate today, reviewed the rate for the today and at 1am it was 2.5 kWh, 2am it was 1.7 kWh, 3am it was 0 kWh and 4am it was .5kWh. Had a peak at 5pm this afternoon which was 13.3 kWh, tank lights are timed to come on at 6pm and 7pm so I missed the hit.

Here's the chart for today.
The only problem with real time pricing is you really have to be on it to get some savings. I've seen some people using a toolbar on their browser that kept track of current pricing. I had the Spark Electric over with their pitch. Was pretty good. Then I got one from Nicor Electric which was cheaper. I went with that one. Electric bill did go down. I want to say like $10 but I didn't sit down and actually figure it out. There is also the timed shut off control for your central air condenser. Something like they turn off your AC for 10 or 15 minutes an hour and you get a monthly credit.
Well I got the new bill from ComEd after switching over to the hourly rate and .....

I saved $67.95 switching over to the hourly rate which is basically a 33% saving. Very happy with the switch over. Standard ComEd rate is $223.47 and with the new hourly rate it's now $155.52 with a savings of $67.95.

I have notice that the $ per kWh rates are extremely low at night which is when the tanks on running with full lights. The concern that I have is I need to monitor the usage during the daytime summer months when the $ per kWh is greatly increased during peak usage hours.
