Ugly Tank Contest 6 - Your momma says your tank is ugly

The Contest:

Did you actually trust the neighbor kid to watch the tank while you were out of town? Have your fish trained you to feed them when they approach the glass? Then your tank is probably ugly! If so, good news! It is time. The 6th Ugly Tank Contest is open to contestants. We are looking for tanks that are ugly, neglected, and covered in slime.

The Rules:

Submissions must have a full tank shot (FTS). Only that picture will count towards the contest, but other supporting close up photos are appreciated.

You can reply to this thread to submit the photo.

Pictures must be submitted by June 30th.

We will be selecting the worst 7 tanks from those submitted. Each of these tanks will receive a $10 gift certificate. Each of the finalists will then vote for the tank they think is the worst, but are not allowed to vote for their own tank.

Winner gets a free custom clean up crew shipped to clean the tank, or a refund for any custom crew that was purchased during the tank contest time.

Plus! Each entrant gets a $5 gift certificate. You will have to send me an email or pm with the code you want to use. Just something simple will work, like "Hey John, I posted a photo in the ugly tank contest, I want my code to be "jmaloney" " Just make sure to put the code in quotes or on a separate line.

Show us how bad it can get! Be prepared for some good humored kidding, but please don't be embarrassed. If algae didn't happen I would be out of a job.

To Enter:

Simply post a picture here. We will combine with other pictures from around the net into our contest thread located on our webpage, and update this thread with the details as they become available.

Major Updates will be posted on this page, so if you are a contestant you will want to subscribe to it. Best of luck to you all, I hope your aquariums are hopeless!
Well here is my ugly tank. Went into hospital in January and came home to this, lost all my corals at least 50 or 60 of them if not more sps lps zoas everything but these pesky mushrooms

I don't really want in there and everything was covered thick in algae but at least the clam survived.
Bump for some other nasty tanks, don't be shy.

It's a weak contender and has been broken down, but still fun to share. Here's my old pico. After several attempts to do something with a 2.2g tank, all it ever ended up growing is some for of a bacterial mat over everything... I never found any CUC that would touch the stuff. It took a toothbrush and tap water scrubbing of the rocks monthly. RIP little tank.

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I'm with u I haven't done a water change since I moved in December. Sps looks good no algae lol
My vote is for Draco03 :)

Thank you! I liked that one too, it has a certain "forest shadowbox" theme.
I personally wanted yours to win just because it was one that would look great in an after photo.

But the winner is StirCrayzy. Enough votes have been cast to call it:

The winner:
