unknown molt found in fuge


Active member
i went to feed tank today and i have a harlequin shrimp only in my fuge i thought as im looking watching the pods go crazy i see a molt stuck to the cheato. heres the issue i started this with a lil ball of cheato and its raised above tank with a rio 800 pumping water into it and a 1/2 inch pipe retuning to dt so how did this shrimp get in there molt looks like cleaner or pepermint shrimp counted all shrimp and i still have all 7 in dt tank possibly eggs and they hatched ?? oh and couldnt find the shrimp in fuge weird
just grabbed it and it fell apart couldnt take pic in side fuge to much cheato maybe it was the harlequin just looked to big
i love leaving molts in random spots of the house for my signifigant other to find... i just wait for the scream. :scared:
Yea. Good idea. Except I have two new fish on hold and she put them on hold for me. After Christmas for sure. Lol.