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I just noticed this in my sump/refugium and have no idea what it is. It looks like some sort of hairy sponge with a tube sticking out and looks like it is filtering. Do you guys have any ideas as to what this is? Should I be removing it?
Sorry for the bad picture.
Thanks Scott that was helpful and I was able to find some pics and info online. Thank god these things are in my sump and not the main tank cause those things are ugly.
How did they get into your sump? They must have come from your main tank. They usually hide within the rockwork or sand, so if you have a bunch in your tank, you probably just haven't looked hard enough. spaghetti worms are a great part of your clean up crew though.
Ok I will look in my main tank tonight but it is really really visible in the sump. The strange thing is that they are in the first chamber of my Proflex 2 which has to flow thru 2 filter socks and none noticeable in the second or third chamber yet.
Thanks Nino!
So I didn't see any in the main tank but Im sure there could be some, i just didn't notice them and I spent at least 10min just searching for them. Could it be that some of the fishes find them tasty that's why I can see any?

Yellow Tang - Blue Hippo Tang - Blue Mandarin
PR/ Golden Head Sleeper Goby -PR/ Clowns
I'm sure they are just like bristle worms, where they either hide within the rocks or within the sand. You might see them crawling around at night. I don't know where else the ones in your sump could have originated other than your display tank, maybe their eggs are small enough to pass through your sock filters.