Vaping lounge! (if you vape, lets here what you have)

I still smoke too, I went into ecigs to help cut down. Never really to fully quit. From a cartoon a week to about 1-1.5 packs a week now.

I'm probably going to swing by free-cigs tomorrow too. Need some juice.

Thats a huge cut back, great job. I may swing by if I don't head down to bloomington to the swap.
How you liking the zmax?
Try The B's Knee's. It ridiculously delicious. They had it on the top left of their sample rack. It's so good!

Thats pretty good. I like the hazelnut carmel macchiato. Also got a blend that kevin is still fine tuning, pretty good so far.
Thats pretty good. I like the hazelnut carmel macchiato. Also got a blend that kevin is still fine tuning, pretty good so far.

I also picked up a bottle of vanilla tobacco. While it is delicious, it tastes like tobacco and I'm starting to prefer the other types of juice more.

If I were to choose one type of tobacco mix, it would be RY4 for sure.
I also picked up a bottle of vanilla tobacco. While it is delicious, it tastes like tobacco and I'm starting to prefer the other types of juice more.

If I were to choose one type of tobacco mix, it would be RY4 for sure.

RY4 is what I started with. If you like tobacco flavor try mai's mix, it has a very nice tobacco flavor and smell.
That will help.... have you try to cover up one of slots with paper towel? You may want to try this before pumping cash out. it's quite pricey for one :(