Video: Clownfish symbiosis in H. magnifica and Bubble tips!

Hey guys,

Posted a video of my two sets of clowns in their host anemones.
I have a bubble tip garden in one and the H. magnifica in the other.

Make sure to watch in 1080 HD!

Thanks for watching,


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Very nice! Took this with a GoPro? Did you have to do any color correction on it or is this as-is??
Very nice! Took this with a GoPro? Did you have to do any color correction on it or is this as-is??

Good call on the gopro- NO correction, didn't feel like editing that much.. The new Hero 3+ black is awesome in tanks and in the ocean. This video of me scuba diving with sharks is shot with the same camera, no correction but do have a red lense..

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His and her anemones !