I've been there a few times for this and that... but honestly... if you're close enough to go to OOA, why not drive 15 minutes north and go to MCF. Personally, they have a good stock of dry goods and their coral/fish selection is decent, but quite overpriced. Things that are $45 there are like $10-15 at Midwest Coral Farms and someone will actually help me at MCF.
I called there a while back looking for a modular surface skimmer. I talked to a guy on the phone, he said yeah they have it, I asked how much he said "it's not gonna be more than 2-3 bucks. Then when i said could you check, he said there's no way its more than 4. So I said screw it and drove over there since they were the only one in the area with it. Guess the price... $5.99.

I asked him to check the price, and he assured me that it wasnt more than 4. Instead of walking over to the shelf and finding out the price. I would have been happy to wait on hold for a few seconds for him to go check it so I knew how much I was gonna spend. I'm not saying the $3 killed me or didn't allow me to eat for a day, but it was a bit frustrating after I asked him to please check it for me since I wanted to know and he wouldn't do that and just guessed instead. Then once i was there, he proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation with the guy in front of me in line before ringing him out. I asked if the other guy could ring me out and he said that he would do it after he helped the guy he was helping... after 10 minutes went by, i got rung out, didn't get asked if i found everything, if that was all, etc. Just was told a total, I paid and walked out, wasn't thanked for business or anything.
I'm happy I got what I wanted, but I'm frustrated that I was told the wrong price after I called and ASKED for what the actual price was, instead of a guess. Then waited in line and was barely even acknowledged as a customer.