WAAAAAY Overpriced But.....

Imo its just their lighting that makes it look that way. It's probably just a nice green and red rainbow nem.
Oh man. Color coordinated nem clown combos. We DO live in the future!

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I will be upset for $350 and not blue.. Like Cubbies said it might be the lights.. They might have LEDS

But a....We could be wrong :rolleyes:
I think it may be dyed...they do inject some corals and fish with dye, they may also be doing anemones too.
i done think that site does that. ive seen dyed nems tho.... i dont think its wysiwyg either, but ive never bought from this place so idk. gotten good recommendations tho
The clowns will grow out if the blue. Many ocellaris have the blue when juvies and it gone after about a year.
Every single piece in that list is ridiculously overpriced and the pictures are crap. I call BS on it being blue. I have those tan/green btas that develop the whiter tips, which reflect blue under my lights. If you want to throw away money, I'll sell you one of those for $350 and hand deliver it, LOL! Just walk away from that scam....
The fish in the picture is a blue stripe clownfish. The fish will NOT grow out of the blue, in fact the exact opposite is true. The fish has white stripes as a juvenile and as they mater develop the blue tint to the stripes.

I have a an adult pr of blue stripe clowns and they are, in my opinion, some of the prettiest clowns.