Water changes please enlighten

I think he does but he is saying he relies on water changes to make sure params stay constant. CUC's work great and if you have enough LR with flow that filters good as well but the water changes are a back up/fail safe to make sure all is being done to make sure quality of life in the tank is at a high level. I rely on both ways for my tank.
i only have 1 snail n 2 hermits, and minimal live rock. if your removing things before they rot, then your good, you dont need massive filtration. i dont think that a fuge, dsb, ats, all that is necessary. obviously im not perfect, nor is my tank. it just makes sense that im putting in all the nutrients with the food, i should take it all out. its not going anywhere until the nitrate floats out of your tank in a bubble, and i prefer to get it way before that happens is all
I think he does but he is saying he relies on water changes to make sure params stay constant. CUC's work great and if you have enough LR with flow that filters good as well but the water changes are a back up/fail safe to make sure all is being done to make sure quality of life in the tank is at a high level. I rely on both ways for my tank.
other than removing nutrients you need to replace trace elements. without water changes you have to rely on chemicals or "miracle mud" to do this. again, i think im more reliable then both of those
When I had a nano, I ran it barebottom and was more relying on weekly water changes and meticulous husbandry to keep it clean, much like tethered limbs. Now that i have a huge system with alot of corals and fish, I have to automate it as much as I can with carbon doser/skimmers/refugium/clean up crew, otherwise I won't be able to go on vacations or work as much as I do :)
When I had a nano, I ran it barebottom and was more relying on weekly water changes and meticulous husbandry to keep it clean, much like tethered limbs. Now that i have a huge system with alot of corals and fish, I have to automate it as much as I can with carbon doser/skimmers/refugium/clean up crew, otherwise I won't be able to go on vacations or work as much as I do :)

im all for automation. you can leave your system unattended for a week?
get a fish feeder? the eheim feed air is supposed to be really good. unless you only feed frozen of course, then it isnt really helping ya
The feed-air works great. Been using them for ages, even before they added the "air" fan to the unit! Only time I ever had issues was when I accidentally dropped one in my tank and fried the circuit board, oops.
I do 10% a week, I bought a bunch of frags from a guy who did not do water changes. He just dosed BRS stuff so no trace elements. As soon as I put those corals in my setup they immediately started to change from there browned out muted colors to what they are supposed to be. I think water changes are the key to success. I also believe if you allow your water to be mixed for a week it stabilizes and completes all chemical reactions. You should see how dirty a reservoir is after only 200 gallons of mixing, and yes I use a 6 stage RODI so TDS is 0.
A week? I've never waited that long; I usually use it a day after mixing. How long do members here wait to use their water? (Sorry, I'm not trying to hijack this thread but I think it adds to this discussion.)
A week? I've never waited that long; I usually use it a day after mixing. How long do members here wait to use their water? (Sorry, I'm not trying to hijack this thread but I think it adds to this discussion.)

No. I think this is also good info for the OP. I usually try to wait atleast 2 days before using a freshly mixed saltwater.
Depends on salt brand.
Right now i use tropic marin pro which should be used after 2 hours and before 6 hours. I do 5 hours.

Majority of salts require 24 hours, but not all.

Tried almost every salt on the market, never heard of a salt requiring a week. I wouldn't wait that long. I don't think any company would recommend waiting that long...
definitely varies by brand. varies by mixing method to. if you have a powerhead in there it will mix way faster than cold water you stir with a spoon
Powerhead is pretty much a must. Also if you are mixing 10g for example, do 1 cup at a time. Do not dump everything all at once. Also roll brand new buckets around on the floor and shake them before you use them.