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Seen it today. That thing is huge and looks awesome. Nice pick up Gus

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Nice carpet. Mine is same size and green. My clowns hosted instantly so hopefully urs won't take too long.

Been thinking about a second one, but I've heard it's a bad idea.
It took my clowns 4+ months to host in my blue Haddoni. It them ate one of them :( I got another male clown and they are doing great. Gorgeous nem! What kind of clowns do have for them? Nice showpiece!!!
I have a pair of adult picassos.

One of my 3 porcelain crabs moved and is hosting the blue carpet now. So there is one in the red carpet,one in the pink nem and one in the blue carpet. Will snap pic when lights come on tomorrow.
Its a blue carpet.


wow nice

i have seen rics bend like that and never knew polyps of a carpet are just as long as a ric.

but still a boooooo to you Dre :P