What Did You Do With Your Tank Today?

I moved a pencil urchin into my upstairs display from downstairs display. I have a new mandarin so I took a 5 gallon bucket filled it with chaeto algae and shook and rinsed to get some pods out of it for him. He is in competition with 3 6line wrasses for the pods. Im going to catch the sixline in the sump with the chaeto to get the population to grow up.
emptied my skimmer and adjusted the air flow on the skimmer. Have some green bubble algae that has cropped up, lots of it on the surface too. Need to do at least a 25% water change shortly...

Moved it to hopefully it's location in the new house! This is the view right when you walk in the front door!!

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Moved it to hopefully it's location in the new house! This is the view right when you walk in the front door!!

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Oh man, that wall is screaming for a 180 or 220! I looks like you might have a fish room behind it under the stairs. Who needs a coat closet when you have a fish room!
Oh man, that wall is screaming for a 180 or 220! I looks like you might have a fish room behind it under the stairs. Who needs a coat closet when you have a fish room!

I do have room for a good 7 footer! I'm 100% positive my wife would shoot me. Down the road she may let me set something up in the basement. Nice show tanks upstairs only for now. I will take it!

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Stared at mine last night for a few minutes after lights out. It is crazy the amount of pods and other creatures roam at night!

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....i sold my 6in koran angelfish with great color.
Hes now in a 240gal fish only tank. 2hrs away.

He has new mates now.
Ps, my corals are happy
Cleaned my return pump, cleaned out the return pump section of my sump, syphon out the last of the sand from the 30, fed them, and looked for my oldest clown. She has disappeared
Well yesterday I went to aquatica and purchased a BRS RODI value plus unit along with a bucket of Reef Crystals. I set it up and started to get it going and made some water for a WC. Today- I changed my filter socks, siphoned up my sand bed, took my return pump out and soaked it in some vinegar (I have not cleaned it in almost a year) to clean it out. And also cleaned out my sump. There was some nasty crap in there.

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