What Did You Do With Your Tank Today?

Transferred Sargassm Trigger from QT into display, readied QT for incoming, still training Kole tang to fish trap, and 50% copepod breeder water change then dosed copepods into display.


I finally caught the Kole tang last night.
I added four new corals, cleaned the skimmer and glass, prepared some saltwater for a water change over the next day or so and rearranged some old corals and rock.
200+ gallon water change, water no loner has a tint of yellow anymore !!! I thought is was the halides loosing their intesnity.
cleaned skimmers, socks, and changed out the barracudda pump because the seal was leaking, thank god I bought a new pump a month ago.Also found a clogged return with a piece of liverock that made it back up.
Tomorrow I will unscrew one of the flow inductors adapt a hoe to it and start blowing the crap off al the live rock that's accumilating on everything, get it flowing so the filters and skimmers can pull that crap out of there.
Setup my brs single deluxe carbon/gfo reator with a cobalt mj1200...What a pita! This will be my last AIO tank... Lol having a sump would be so much easier, all done now brs reactor do some magic! Pics later in my thread.
Watched as my new Condy Nem walked all around my tank...only to settle itself in the back....dangerously close to a PH
Sat around, for the fourth week in a row, waiting for my QT to cycle for my first fish. :yawn: I think it's like watching a pot of boiling water... The longer I watch the slower it will happen.

New tank still hasn't shipped, so nothing to do except watch all the wonderful corals, fish and BTA's being sold here, and be frustrated that I can't buy any of it! Darn you people!!!