What Did You Do With Your Tank Today?

well i bought a fancy light set up or so i thought and now im super mad because the lfs is closed which is where i bought it and im pretty sure he sold me some junk, they are coralife light set ups you know the kind that has the caps that go on the ends of the bulbs and they are hooked up to a ballast meant for mounting in a canopy which is what i intended on doing with them and i set up one kit on the counter and pluged it in with bulbs in it and nothing checked and re-checked the fittings on the end of the bulbs still no light and the other kit has two of the wires that go to the wall outlet cut off so close the the clip that they cant be re-attached
How long ago did you buy it? Can you contact the manufacturer?
i took it back today he was not even hesitant to refunding my money it was a used system but he did say that it was in working order so im a happy cust. again and i grabbed all new bulbs for my 220 gallon and got some more wave makers in the mail today is a good day
I ordered LED hood for my Nano cube that I'm setting up. I figured the LED hood is pretty much the same price as the chiller, so I might as well have 1 equipment to plug in instead of 2.
will drill 2" hole for intake in my tank,finish all plumbing and hope to install 4-way from oceanmotions!
started trying to fill up the new 210 picked up three sps frags dont know what they are but at 10 each why not and found a cleaner wrasse at the store misprice at 5 bucks not a bad day at all i guess
mmmmm gotta love that smell i cleaned my skimmer as well and spilled it all over myself walking to the sink which was 10 ft away
tinkered with the aquascape tonight resulting in a rock slide. if anyone is contemplating "just tweaking a few things here and there" ...dont.
tinkered with the aquascape tonight resulting in a rock slide. if anyone is contemplating "just tweaking a few things here and there" ...dont.

Yup!! I totally agree. Tried to make room for my new corals I'm getting tomorrow and ended up having everything on the sand bed cause I'm too tired and frustrated. Lol. Good thing I'm off tomorrow :)

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just picked up 50 snails the pyramid guys 50 blue leg crabs 10 nasarus snails bad spelling sry and my altime favorite phycidelic wrasse
just sat here and waited for my new pump for my HOB skimmer to get here. messed with the filter on my FW tank too.
Ran upto Midwest coral farm, picked up our free acro (won the contest) and a couple of other frags. Mounted 5 SPS frags some picked up last weekend, some today.

Did a 30 gallon water change, changed carbon, vaccuumed, emptied the skimmer, placed the new coral, moved some powerheads around...

Now enjoying the tank.
After loosing most of my fish stock and almost letting the tank go for a month cause the wedding. I spent the last week restocking. Picked up ablong nose hawk a beautiful choc tang sail fin tang. Engender goby anenome crab and a scopas tang. Went to new fish and bought three sps colonys and a smaller spsfrag. Locally at exotic aquatics picked up a prism favia I think and a small frag of acan.
After loosing most of my fish stock and almost letting the tank go for a month cause the wedding. I spent the last week restocking. Picked up ablong nose hawk a beautiful choc tang sail fin tang. Engender goby anenome crab and a scopas tang. Went to new fish and bought three sps colonys and a smaller spsfrag. Locally at exotic aquatics picked up a prism favia I think and a small frag of acan.

You got all that the other day!!!!!!!! ****. Haha

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just picked up a replacement skimmer went over to aquatica and talked to mario for a bit and decided that a reef octopus was for me price was great and this thing is four times the size of my coralife skimmer not to knock those but they were not working good together better for a 75 anyways ehh live and learn so this reef octopus is already kicking butt 20 min after getting runnning