What goes in :)


Well-known member
Ok I have a biocube 29 with multiple corals
2 occelaris clowns and 2 peppermint shrimp

If I'm adding more fish .... What all are my options

Understand that once I put in a fish into a reef tank lol it stays there

So please advice me on all the types of fish suitable ..

No hostile fish please

Thanks everyone :)
If you have good hiding spots, you can't go wrong with a nice Midas blenny. Lots of personality and the 29 cube is a comfy size home for them.
Ok I have a biocube 29 with multiple corals
2 occelaris clowns and 2 peppermint shrimp

If I'm adding more fish .... What all are my options

Understand that once I put in a fish into a reef tank lol it stays there

So please advice me on all the types of fish suitable ..

No hostile fish please

Thanks everyone :)

I'm right at size with you and I'm loving my fish choices: 2 clowns (same as yours), yasha Goby, Lawnmower Blenny and cherub angel. They are a great group and I don't feel like I'm missing any part of the tank with activity. (pics in my thread link in my signature)
i've heard "with caution" on pygmy angels but my cherub hasn't touched anything but my pod population.
Ummm don't wanna take risk with the angel

Don't like the jaw fish :(
Or the lawnmover. :(

My other options ??

Thanks for the replies
my flameback does great in my 40 breeder have 2 clowns a royal grama and 3 blue green cromies cleaner shrimp rbta and lots of corals never messes with any of them
I have a 30 gal and my residents are 2 clowns, 1 six line wrasse, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 firefish, 1 indigo dottyback. :) love the energy and color they bring. Also i'd think twice about the lawnmower. They are great little charcters and have tons of personality.
Ummm finally i now have 2 clowns and a hawkfish ..loving them already ..
soon to join the group : yellow headed jaw fish taking rest in a QT, a flame angel and a mandarin goby (this one if am sure how to feed it)
Ummm finally i now have 2 clowns and a hawkfish ..loving them already ..
soon to join the group : yellow headed jaw fish taking rest in a QT, a flame angel and a mandarin goby (this one if am sure how to feed it)

U can train mandarin gobys to eat pe mysis and pellets.. u just gotta be patient but always make sure to have a good pod population since thats their primary food source.. i
Becareful with a Mandarin... They will go through PODS like candy and will starve towards the end..

I have one in my 75gal with 200lbs of LR and still can't keep up. Yes, I also have a fuge.. My wife some how managed to feed it brine shrimp and hasn't stop eating it afterwards :D Was almost going to die on us..
Yay !!! fnally got a flame angel and a green mandarin yesterday

they are nice additions :D didnt get to see them in light though ....
ok here is an update

Ok I have a biocube 29 with multiple corals
2 occelaris clowns and 2 peppermint shrimp
1 flame hawk
1 flame angel fish
1 green mandarin

(one yellow jaw fish -- hope to add it soon to the biocube)

so where am i at my max stocking capacity
