What goes in :)

okie ... no more comments on this ??

I'm going to say you are maxed out. If you figure no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon and then look at actual volume (stated gallons minus rocks and sand and fish and tubes and heaters and stuff) then you are pretty close if all of your fish are 2-3 inches (or will be). I'm in the same boat on my 28nc and I have:
2 occy
1 LMBlenny
1 Yasha Goby
1 cherub angel.
(I think many would scold me for too much and these fish all stay relatively tiny)
Your mandarin is going to be a challenge even in a light bioload situation based on what I have read about them, so I would focus on your LPS collection. MHO anyway. Good luck.
I'm going to say you are maxed out. If you figure no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon and then look at actual volume (stated gallons minus rocks and sand and fish and tubes and heaters and stuff) then you are pretty close if all of your fish are 2-3 inches (or will be). I'm in the same boat on my 28nc and I have:
2 occy
1 LMBlenny
1 Yasha Goby
1 cherub angel.
(I think many would scold me for too much and these fish all stay relatively tiny)
Your mandarin is going to be a challenge even in a light bioload situation based on what I have read about them, so I would focus on your LPS collection. MHO anyway. Good luck.

ummm ok thought so

no more fish then :D

so how do i know if i am over .. i mean should i be seeing ammonia spikes ?? Asking cause if i am over with the current fish pop i dont wanna add the jaw fish in there ..
A 29 gallon biocube is really only 25 gallons of swimming space then minus the area that the rock and sand take up.

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