What is going wrong?

No, the salinity is older than the aquaforest. I am starting to get some zoas opening, the nems are starting to look better, and a couple heads of the frogspawn have started coming out. hoping this positive trend continues.
Turned the light on a little early this morning so I could check things out before I left for work, my duncans started to extend a little bit. Now I am just worried about most of the frogspawn, it did not look happy. Could not find the one anthia but they are typically hiding behind the rocks in the am.

So I am going to take apart the sump and get rid of the silicone, just to eliminate that as the issue. I think I am going to use egg crate as baffles this time with no sand lots of live rock and chateo.
Well I lost an anthia, I think the other two aren't doing well as one isn't swimming much and the other hasn't eaten in a little while. Anywho corals are starting to look better, lost about 35 heads of euphillia, most others are starting to look better.
Well I lost an anthia, I think the other two aren't doing well as one isn't swimming much and the other hasn't eaten in a little while. Anywho corals are starting to look better, lost about 35 heads of euphillia, most others are starting to look better.

U running any carbon and still doing wAter changes might be having a little cycle from some of the death that occurred might be small enough that it dont effect much but anthias r very sensitive fish might affect them
Yeah I have my carbon reactor going still and have been doing 5 gallon water changes every 5 days. I pulled most of the corals that had started showing the skeleton to help as well.
There is no mold inhibitors in the silicone 2, it is a neutral cure silicone. Just needs full cure

Sadly, I have seen more than 10 people with same situation in the past, tank / bacteria crash, only because they use GE 2.!!!
What I read is GE2 is used for bathroom/ kitchen, which has the mold control inhibitors. That will kill your beneficial bacteria quickly.
If you cure it long enough, it will only prevent bacteria from growing on the silicone surface. But if you only cure it for a day, it will released to everywhere in your tank, kill all bacteria in your rock, sand, media everything.
So first thing you need to do now is to remove the new sump and do at least 50% water change.
So an update here, everything is coming back around now, I haven't lost anything more coral wise, I ended up losing all three of my anthias and a bunch of euphilia. Could have been much worse! But now I have some plans coming out of this. I purchased a 150 gallon tank with an eshopps sump for a good price, going to redo the stand and get it setup in a couple weeks let it cycle. Picked up a current usa dc pump and a temp controller. Going to run everything I have from the 75. Will plan a doser and a new skimmer as money allows. Thinking the maxspect razor for lighting