What is it? I need you guys advice.


Hey friends,

I am having this situation happening in my tank and I don’t know what is it. Any idea what can I do? It looks a powder/ dust ( brown ) over everything. I cleaned and in 2 days is back.

Not over feeding and The tests are ok and the tank is cycled already.

Pics attached. Thank you so much.




Thank you again, Dan.

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how long has the tank been cycled ?
it could be Cyano all new tanks have it .. dont worry much about it ..

if no corals run your light lesser time
If no coral you can probably get away with just having the lights off.

Phosphate levels?
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Tank is about 2 years Old. One month ago I replaced the sand and add some new CaribeSea LiveRock. Phosphates: 0, Nitrate 2ppm, Nitrite: 0.05.

Thank you.

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It looks like a diatom bloom because its more of a dust like. Cyanobacteria is more like an algae. It doesn't dust off like diatoms. Try using chemi clean. If it does go away in a few days then u know it was cyano. I dont believe chemi clean takes care of diatoms. Can you post full tank pictures?

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I believe dinos will feed off excess silicates. It could be related to the addition of new sand. If that's what it is, it should go away on its own. Is it bothering any corals?
All Parameters are ok. I think is diatoms based in you guys answers. I will wait a little more and see what happen, there is no corals in This setup yet. Maybe is part of the new cycle. Thank you all for the help :)

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Lights off for a few days and tank is clear, should I back with the lights slowly? Or keep darker until I get some corals?

Thank you my friends.



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