what is this anemone

Some of the tips appear like they are bubbling, it's some type of BTA. May have just lost color, how long have you had it in your tank? My BTA totally browned out when I switched it to a different tank, very slowly getting it's color back.
thats a old pic its been in my tank for a year and it looks the same my lights are 3 120wat led lights and the color looks exactly the same after one year
Its a RBTA 100 % They may appear different in different tanks some orange some bubbles some no bubbles.
I have had quite a few that look like that one. Infact I have put a bunch of them into the local reef pool in this area over the years.
yeah thats how my RBTA look too except that they have a lot more red in them. they rarely ever bubble and if they do its nothing significant