What kind of anemone is this?


New member
I purchased this anemone awhile back, it was sold as a BTA, but it just doesn't look like your usual BTA. It almost looks like a hybrid of sebae and bubble tip. it has short whitish tentacles with orange tips and tan foot. the tips do bubble up, but they are short and the whole anemone is wide, like a sebae ( I also have a sebae and it does not bubble up ). In the first picture, it's the one on the far right.
Stuff its face with a silverside every other day and it will luv you. Mine are so big i had to move a couple of them to other tanks.
haha, I used to have one that got as big as 10inches wide because I was feeding it all the time, finally had to sell it off because it was taking over one side of my tank. I'm trying not to feed this guys too much to keep them smaller.