what return pump?

A 14x turnover is pretty high for a sump. Will there be a fuge in it? If so, I'd really recommend splitting one of the returns and having a sump like this:
View attachment 4361

This way you can slow down the flow through the fuge and get better natural filtration. I wouldn't make the return chamber so big, but your pump is external so it doesn't have to be at all. Not that I am a proponent of it, but in the March edition of Coral magazine, it was proposed that sump flow should be 1x aquarium volume. Now I've heard not to use your return as a means for flow in the tank, but that blew my mind. Not sure if I could ever be ok with that, but it does make some sense regarding fuges and contact times with the skimmer.
I use a center return sump and it has been working great. I have a 150 AGA with dual mega overflows. I have a valve on the fuge end and I let the other end flow free. I also just plumbed a 40 breeder into it. I just replaced the mag 12 with a mag 24 and it seems to be to much flow thru the sump. I am going to dial it back. I wish I had a Mag 18 lying around. The 12 and the 24 came wiith the tank when I bought it.
A 14x turnover is pretty high for a sump. Will there be a fuge in it? If so, I'd really recommend splitting one of the returns and having a sump like this:
View attachment 4361

This way you can slow down the flow through the fuge and get better natural filtration. I wouldn't make the return chamber so big, but your pump is external so it doesn't have to be at all. Not that I am a proponent of it, but in the March edition of Coral magazine, it was proposed that sump flow should be 1x aquarium volume. Now I've heard not to use your return as a means for flow in the tank, but that blew my mind. Not sure if I could ever be ok with that, but it does make some sense regarding fuges and contact times with the skimmer.

i think that would make it pretty different, temperature wise, from my display tank. i have alot of turnover, like a mag 18 turnover, and it still varies sometimes. can definitely see the benefit for a fuge, but for a skimmer, i would expect the water in the sump to become really clean.
That's the point that this guy was making. We are keeping the detritus in the water column for a lot longer rather than pull it out properly. Like I said, I'm never going that low, but I am definitely glad I'm not getting a mag18 now for my return for the 110. I'll have about 8x turnover with the pumps I'm using. And remember, this is flow through the sump only, not the whole tank.
this will be my sump a 100 gallon stock tank making 3 filter sock holder on one end. going to make a fuge somewhere inside but now sure how and where yet. The skimmer i have right now is internal so that will have to be in the tank also.here are a few pictures of the sump. I was going to bring the drain into the top and make it turn around the side of the tank. I was thinking of cutting slits in the pvc for drainage all the way around the sump tank .View attachment 4381View attachment 4381
I would split the inlet and turn down the fuge to 1/3 and put the fuge opposite the filter socks and skimmers. The filster socks will pull out the same kinds of things the fuge will, and then the return can be in the same area as the skimmer. The previous pic I put up could be converted to this, and it's a huge benefit.