What to use?

Paint it black and get a bunch of asterina stars lol. For the longest time I didn't have any but 1 or 2 on the glass and I would pick them off. Now I stopped they are everywhere lol. Hoping they clean my glass of coraline.

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Yeah, I had a few also But kept getting on top of my zoas. So be careful!!

Lazy! Keep that shit clean! Lol

You know Tiff hits me..lol!! So that baby was always clean ?
I called around to my local Vinyl decal shops, You know the guys that wrap work trucks / Squad cars with custom stickers. Ask for a quote on plan black vinyl and went to the best priced place and pick up some Vinyl. It simple to install your self, Just like automotive tint but solid black. Sure if you look on Fleabay you'll find some,.... This is what I did on my tank.

Very interesting ideas!! The GSP will be nice, but take to long. The vinyl might be to pricy but I like the idea. Can even have them customize a design if needed. I will for sure research on that.