What would you do in my current situation?

Take a new and plain toothbrush and brush any detritus, cyano, etc. off of your rocks, do this now and especially right before a water change. Also, use a turkey baster to blow stuff off. If your rocks are choked up with algae then they won't do their job as a filter. Also, are you using rodi water and is the TDS at 0?
I can get pictures posted later today.

The algae lately isn't as bad as I may have stated, because it's no where near the point of choking out the surface area of the live rock.

I do use RO/DI with a TDS meter and it's reading 0.

Two more thoughts to throw out there for you guys:
1. 90% of the rock in the tank was BRS dry rock. Being 1 year into the tank being set up, and since the cyano is restricted to the rocks, I think I may be seeing the Zeovit system leaching nutrients out of the rock.
2. During my period of success when every acro I threw in the tank colored up beautifully and grew like weeds, I was using kalk. I thought the original downfall was due to an alk drop off and I switched to 2 part thinking it was a demand issue. I've been using 2 part every since. I know a lot of people here use 2 part, but anybody think that this could play into any of this? For what it's worth, if I stick with Zeovit, kalk is not recommended with that system (theories as to binding up available phosphorus in the water column and altering the bacterial ecosystem).
Blowing rocks with a turkey baster is time consuming and not very effective. I use a small powerhead and am always surprised to see how much detritus blows off.
Without further ado, here are some pics of my tank. It's a bit cloudy in the display tank from agitating a bit of the sand bed when blowing off some cyano.

I took these a few days ago, and since then I did two 50% water changes separated by two and a half days. I'll measure the nitrates later this evening, and hopefully they will have decreased by 75%! Otherwise there could be a clear problem with exporting nutrients.

All of my LPS are doing fine, and my zoas are growing faster these days. Which makes me think this problem is limited to nutrient levels. What confuses me though is that throughout this period of sustained high levels, there were times when all my SPS was bouncing back and coloring up and then just like that they went back to crap.
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So my nitrates are down to 10 ppm via the Salifert test kit. Wondering whether I should do one last large water change in a few days... Especially since I'm going out of town for the holidays.