I can get pictures posted later today.
The algae lately isn't as bad as I may have stated, because it's no where near the point of choking out the surface area of the live rock.
I do use RO/DI with a TDS meter and it's reading 0.
Two more thoughts to throw out there for you guys:
1. 90% of the rock in the tank was BRS dry rock. Being 1 year into the tank being set up, and since the cyano is restricted to the rocks, I think I may be seeing the Zeovit system leaching nutrients out of the rock.
2. During my period of success when every acro I threw in the tank colored up beautifully and grew like weeds, I was using kalk. I thought the original downfall was due to an alk drop off and I switched to 2 part thinking it was a demand issue. I've been using 2 part every since. I know a lot of people here use 2 part, but anybody think that this could play into any of this? For what it's worth, if I stick with Zeovit, kalk is not recommended with that system (theories as to binding up available phosphorus in the water column and altering the bacterial ecosystem).