What wrasses you have?


Team CR
Here list of mine...:)

Bluehead Fairy Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura)

Adorned Wrasse
(Halichoeres cosmetus)

Christmas Wrasse
(Halichoeres claudia )

Radiant Wrasse
(Halichoeres iridis)

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus naokoae

Yellow Wrasse
(Halichoeres chrysus)

Potter's Wrasse
(Macropharyngodon geoffroyi)

Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
(Macropharyngodon bipartitus)

Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus solorensis)
Red Head fairy wrasse

Blue head fairy

Roseband wrasse

Scott's green back fairy

Red velvet wrasse

Blue star leopard

Black tail tamarin

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Vorliks wrasse
Halichoeres chrysotaenia

Candy hog
Bodianus bimaculatus

Leopard wrasse
female Macropharyngodon meleagris
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Yellow coris wrasse
(Halichoeres chrysus)

Black leopard
(Macropharyngodon meleagris)


Right now I have a pintail and a flasher (forget which one). Tomorrow I pick up a lineatus and a pair of flame wrasses. After that, I hope to get a pair of mystery wrasses.