What wrasses you have?

Hey ColaAddict
I have the Wrasse Den and they work great. I have two in my aquarium. I think the only problem you may have is the wrasse finding the den. once the wrasse find the den they work great.
You could set a clock with My Red Tail and Yellow Tail at 10: P.M. and 10:30 P.M. they dive down into the Den for the night. I just have to syphon out a little sand when I clean my tank because some splashes up when they dive.
I did have a Potters Wrasse that couldn't find the Den and he died on my the first night I had him. He did seem stressed and stayed in the corners of the aquarium. I think he would have been fine if he could find the Den or sand.
I think you "could" have them without sand but I think it stresses out the wrasse to much.
If you were going to try without sand or the Den, have a clear dish with sand for a few days they will most likely use it get use to your aquarium and then maybe you could pull it. That's what I am going to do the next time I add a potters wrasse, I'll have a clear dish with sand and pull it after a few days, except I'll keep my Den.
Hey guys so im thinking of getting some wrasse for my tank and from what i read online a few diff places is that some say reef safe others dont. so i guess my question is how do i know which ones to get?
Hey guys so im thinking of getting some wrasse for my tank and from what i read online a few diff places is that some say reef safe others dont. so i guess my question is how do i know which ones to get?

Reef safe wrasse here


Non-reef safe wrasse here


Some wrasses eat shrimps and snails but not coral, they still say not-reef safe.
ok sweet thanks yea i was just more worried about my coral getting all chewed up...i dont have any shrimps but i do have a few snails
Ive had about every wrasse out there none eat coral only inverts imo all r reef safe as long as u dont care about shrimp or cuc . Which i dont . Oh and pistol shrimp seem to be left alone by everything bastard wont die . Now stay away from parrot fish they look like wrasses but will eat your corals well grind em up anyways .
Ive had about every wrasse out there none eat coral only inverts imo all r reef safe as long as u dont care about shrimp or cuc . Which i dont . Oh and pistol shrimp seem to be left alone by everything bastard wont die . Now stay away from parrot fish they look like wrasses but will eat your corals well grind em up anyways .
Alright awesome info are there certain ones that are pretty easy to keep more so then others

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Alright awesome info are there certain ones that are pretty easy to keep more so then others

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Leopards r hardest because most dont eat ive been real lucky with them besides fighting each other dam fish. Corris wrasses and stuff like malunarius and xmas wrasses blue head wrasses bannana and stuff with same body type r very easy to keep . Fairy wrasses i found females easy to keep and males specially full blown males harder to keep . The wrasses like red tail and yellow tail amp something forget name r difficult because of small mouth syndrome which is just there mouth to dam small and usually cant eat enough food before all other fish eat it all so they starve
Leopards r hardest because most dont eat ive been real lucky with them besides fighting each other dam fish. Corris wrasses and stuff like malunarius and xmas wrasses blue head wrasses bannana and stuff with same body type r very easy to keep . Fairy wrasses i found females easy to keep and males specially full blown males harder to keep . The wrasses like red tail and yellow tail amp something forget name r difficult because of small mouth syndrome which is just there mouth to dam small and usually cant eat enough food before all other fish eat it all so they starve
Alright cool when I get my next tank soon that's kinda what I want to do is a wrasse tank

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You are absalutly right Joe, when we had the 90 I got a chance to try to keep both (at different times) The yellow (yellow tail tamarin wrasse) didn't make it but the
red didl, said to say it was towards the end of when I had the 90. I think what helped me with them is that I bought a couple of ampopids before I got him... I think I added them a month before I got them which helped.

Leopards r hardest because most dont eat ive been real lucky with them besides fighting each other dam fish. Corris wrasses and stuff like malunarius and xmas wrasses blue head wrasses bannana and stuff with same body type r very easy to keep . Fairy wrasses i found females easy to keep and males specially full blown males harder to keep . The wrasses like red tail and yellow tail amp something forget name r difficult because of small mouth syndrome which is just there mouth to dam small and usually cant eat enough food before all other fish eat it all so they starve
Here list of mine...:)

Bluehead Fairy Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura)

Adorned Wrasse
(Halichoeres cosmetus)

Christmas Wrasse
(Halichoeres claudia )

Radiant Wrasse
(Halichoeres iridis)

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus naokoae

Yellow Wrasse
(Halichoeres chrysus)

Potter's Wrasse
(Macropharyngodon geoffroyi)

Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
(Macropharyngodon bipartitus)

Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus solorensis)

Do any of these wrasses have issues with your corals? I'm trying to get a group of wrasses in a 75g mixed reef.
Reef safe wrasse here


Non-reef safe wrasse here


Some wrasses eat shrimps and snails but not coral, they still say not-reef safe.

Considering your comments above, have you seen or have an opinion on your wrasse collections interest in cleaner or fire shrimp?

Non-reef safe wrasse here


Some wrasses eat shrimps and snails but not coral, they still say not-reef safe.[/QUOTE]

Considering your comments above, have you experienced or have an opinion on your wrasse collection and probable interest in cleaner or fire shrimp?
Considering your comments above, have you seen or have an opinion on your wrasse collections interest in cleaner or fire shrimp?

Non-reef safe wrasse here


Some wrasses eat shrimps and snails but not coral, they still say not-reef safe.

Considering your comments above, have you experienced or have an opinion on your wrasse collection and probable interest in cleaner or fire shrimp?[/QUOTE]

No shrimp alive in my tanks. My wrasses kill them all...I dont know which one kill my shrimps..:(
Considering your comments above, have you experienced or have an opinion on your wrasse collection and probable interest in cleaner or fire shrimp?

No shrimp alive in my tanks. My wrasses kill them all...I dont know which one kill my shrimps..:([/QUOTE]

This now explains possibly why my cleaner shrimp went missing after I put a red tailed wrasse in there. I had a lepard, and a yellow cores then added the red tail now I have no cleaner
My Leopard Wrasse finally came out of hiding yesterday. Hope she leaves my cleaner shrimp alone

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