What wrasses you have?

No shrimp alive in my tanks. My wrasses kill them all...I dont know which one kill my shrimps..:(

This now explains possibly why my cleaner shrimp went missing after I put a red tailed wrasse in there. I had a lepard, and a yellow cores then added the red tail now I have no cleaner[/QUOTE]

I'd like to try a yellow and a leopard wrasse, but I have two cleaner and fire shrimp, and I'd like to keep them.
Is it a Red Tail Tamarin Wrasse? If so I'M so jealous!!! They are so pretty... I tried a Red tail first and it didn't make it past qt. I then got to try a yellow tail Tamarin and it made it. Never had issue with the yellow tail and my cleaner and blood shrimp. either way good luck.

Oh... just melanarus... my snails dd not make it with my malanarus, that ****er would start in on them before they even hit the sand when I chucked them in..
This now explains possibly why my cleaner shrimp went missing after I put a red tailed wrasse in there. I had a lepard, and a yellow cores then added the red tail now I have no cleaner

I'd like to try a yellow and a leopard wrasse, but I have two cleaner and fire shrimp, and I'd like to keep them.[/QUOTE]

My cleaner was all good till I put my red tale in there and I did notice that he started testing up my seals yesterday
Have a green spotted tamarin, potters, green, yellow, red coris(7in adult), melenarus and cleaner wrasse in full reef tank with cuc and other typical inverts with no issues and all wrasses eat and no fighting.
I just got this guy to day wish me luck with him
Yellow and red Coris, formosa, potters, red head Solon, 2 other fairies, and a harlequin tusk ?

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I have blue star leopard, yellow coris and a pin stripe melanarus wrasse Atm

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Picked him up today from underwater world last one they had, I bought live brine shrimp for him to eat and he as going crazy over it so I hope I can keep him

Very nice fish, get him in some Prazi or get some Metro into his (looks like a her actually) food ASAP. It's mouth looks great so it probably survived the "shipping stress" part of the Radiant Wrasse lifeline but internal parasites and flukes are extremely common with them.

My current wrasses are Halichoeres cosmetus and Cirrhilabrus linneatus.
Potters Leopard Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse

Looking to buy a Formosa coris wrasse soon but unsure on the compatibility with these other wrasses. What do you think [MENTION=1217]madjoe[/MENTION] will I have problems?
Potters Leopard Wrasse
Ornate Leopard Wrasse
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse

Looking to buy a Formosa coris wrasse soon but unsure on the compatibility with these other wrasses. What do you think [MENTION=1217]madjoe[/MENTION] will I have problems?
Only one i never had with mine was radiant rest r fine