what's wrong with my fish-id please


Active member
I got my Wantanabei Angels for about month now and they were doing great. I noticed few days ago bumps on females body, now turning into kind of raw sores. I have no idea what it is. Anybody has an idea and can help. Here are couple of pictures ,you can see two spots on the female body


Maybe they had flukes and scratched em off now infected try melifix helps heals sores faster. Either that or somebody beating em while u not watching. Hope they recover beautiful fish. U want to get em to heal fast before becomes secondary infection which will need antibiotics. Ive also seen similar body sores usually on mouth some kind of fungal infection had a name but slips my mind right now sorry
I did treat with Prazipro about two weeks ago. Nobody stress her out or beats her in my tank , as the only tank mates are her male wantanabei ( they are true pair ) , yellow assessor , clown fish and a pair of cherub angels. They are by far the biggest and strongest fish in my 120 gal.tank.
K. Im finding out prazi takes while to work on some stuff. But they can be just sores from rubbing i will still do melefix and keep eye on it if gets more red might be really infected i had regal had a sore like it even after flesh wound healed died of infection