Whats your favorite fish?

I dunno but I am between my clowns, Mork and Mindy because they think they're the toughest guys in the tank. they always go after the mag float when we're cleaning the glass.....or Bob, the blue jawed trigger cuz he survived six weeks in the overflow and he spits water out of the tank when he's hungry! Great characters!
now that my clown fish have been in my tank for about a month or so they are starting to build personality. i never knew they would have one. when i had my FW fish they never had a personality. since my tank is on the second floor where the stairs are and its sideways. lol cant explain. ill post a pic. but everytime i walk up the stairs theyre right there waiting for me. lol. and when theyre hungry they swim on the front of the glass up and down and when they see me reach under to get the food theyre just waiting at the top to get fed. lol love it tho and my fam doesnt believe me until they see it.
I love my 2 clowns. I have a black, white, and yellow finned clown, he's chubby and just relaxes most of the time, and a nemo colored clown who is the spunky of the two!
Something about the tangs just seem to make it a reef.
I'd like to try more of them but would hate to create a war zone.
"Why can't we all just.....get along" :five:
