when is it time to throw in the towel

+1 on down sizing ... Keep all your favorite pieces and part with the rest ... Maintaining that many gallons worth of tanks would get to me also ...
Yea explained to the wife and she's not having it. Wants me to show her the ropes and she will take care of it until I feel I wanna do it again. Trying to talk her out of it but she's not nudging. Ill give it a week before she can't do it and then ill post a list of the things for sale. Thanks all.
I'll trade you my kick *** 28gal nano reef, the JBJ with reef LED hood with everything in it, for your 140 shallow tank, if you want to down size :)
You have to get it out my house. Which involves getting the back door frame off again. And its the tank and stand as one. They don't come apart. Thanks but I'm not doing that again.
me and wife have been talking about this since i posted and she said that she will take care of the fish only and i will maintain the reef that way she only has water changes to do and ill have all the reef stuff gonna pull all my corals out the bio cube and start over with the reef starting from scratch will allow me to continue my good reefing habits and get rid of the bad ones that ive picked up over the years thanks for alll your ideas ill give a few more months
You met the right girl, that's for sure! Glad you'll mentor people like me for just a little longer. :)
I too almost gave up when my tank crashed,so i went fish only,my wife does ALOT for the tanks,there's been times when i do nothing to my tanks for weeks at a time just come home,sit down and watch the fish swim around.That makes a world of difference.
When two love the same passion, life is much better.. Don’t have to hear a ear full about the noise, smell, lights and $$$. I know our tank is in good hands with the wife. But like Badgus said its good to come home and sit down and watch the tank…

So don’t give up and try another route… We hate to see members leave : (
WOW! Man I was in the same boat for awhile just cause I thought things were not where I wanted to be in the hobby- but over time it got better and better, but then I started to lose interest of maintaining a larger tank which was only a 72G bowfront which was a 4' tank- I did not want that size of a Tank any longer I was actually going to go with a 25G rimless but then my wife talk me into a 45G cube which I was really not happy with it cause I did not buy it RR.

I was going to custom drill the tank and when I did I ended up cracking it- I thought I was going to be done from there and didn't even think about wanting another Tank.

My wife came to me and said this can't happen you put alot of work into having a Nice Tank and a Nice Reef you can't quit. She said to go and get another Tank and make sure it was RR. By that time I didn't even want to spend the money for another tank but to my Luck Best Fish which is a Sponsor here had a Sale on 60G RR which was almost the same price as a NON-RR 45G cube so I jumped on it and said Honey we are taking a Drive to Milwaukee I found the Tank I want and it's not a 45G but 60G.

Anyhow the Moral of the Story is if your Wife is backing you up take it and run with it not many Wifes like the idea of us MEN especially Married ones with kids let them enjoy something they like, if she is willing to help that is a plus.. Good Luck man but Plus 1 on downsizing you'll feel better that your not fully out of the hobby. :)
I wish my wifie would take more of an interest. 2 years ago I was out of town for a week. In my absense our FO tank became sick and big and expensive fish started dying daily. It wasn't her fault but ever since then she refuses to touch anything :(
Don't quit bro, you make the coral store feel sad...keep it up...I'm new with saltwater too. and spent too much for a little tank..but that's ok..that is the circle of life, and help us respect life and people that we have...
thanks went from being down to really wanting to give it a second go i was talking to the wife and telling her what and how and then after a long talk about everything ive done i kinda found the reason i like it i also tried to get the 210 in the bedroom and thats where she put her foot down so it stays put but she still wants the fish only 140 take what i can get
You tried putting a 210 in your bedroom, wow! I don't know of any wife that will agree to that. I'm glad you found your motivation back :)
yea she didnt like the idea of downsizing the bed to a twin dont know what the big deal was oh ya me on the couch lol in the garage were her exact words