Where locally to buy baffles


As the title says, I'm looking for baffles for a 40 gallon breeder, I contacted a few online places but no response.
I found a glass guy that does window install and repair that cut mine. I think Ace hardware stores also cut glass.
If you can't find anyone closer, the guy I used was in East Dundee.
Believe it or not, most Ace Hardware's have a glass cutting dept and the pricing is reasonable.

Typically glass shops don't want small projects and typically bid very high to make a quick buck. I was quoted $70 for a piece of glass for a display cabinet I build. ACE charged me $22..

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I like that, I'll get you the sizes I need once I lay it out in cardboard. Where did you get the teeth from?

I wasn't aware that Ace did it. Thanks all for your reply


I have the teeth custom made for me. The picture doesn’t show but above the drain crashbox i have a glass plate made for dual 1” bulkheads. Lemme know and i will get it done for you.
That looks good. No filter socks?

No filter socks. IMO filter socks are 2015. I always try to put the refugium first so the refugium, pods, critters get fed from the drains and the skimmer is just an afterthought in the second chamber. Everyone worries about pods and stuff getting sucked up by the skimmer but if you ever look at the skimmer chamber you see pods hanging out in there too.

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This looks nice. Did you tape around the silicone to make it look that clean or just clean it up with a razor blade?

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I always tape off.
So do you just clean/vacuum out the sump?

I always go back and forth between removing my filter socks, but I like that they capture excess food ( even with the pump turned off some food still makes it down there) or bigger particles, I swap them out every 3 days (alarm on my apex reminds me)
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So do you just clean/vacuum out the sump?

I always go back and forth between removing my filter socks, but I like that they capture excess food ( even with the pump turned off some food still makes it down there) or bigger particles, I swap them out every 3 days (alarm on my apex reminds me)

Every week or two weeks when i do a water change i just siphon out the bottom of the entire refugium because everything collects there. Easy cleanup, no hassle with socks.