Years ago we used to put adjustable flow restrictors on all our systems.
We no longer do that because:
1. We couldn't get customers to read and follow the instructions. Many of them just closed, or nearly closed off the waste line and damaged/ruined teir membrane.
2. On low capacity residential-scale systems like those used in this hobby, it is very difficult to get an adjustable flow restrictor dialed in - because as soon as you do, come beck and check it a day/a week later and it will be off.
3. If you want to try an adjustable flow restrictor, the quick connect ball valves are really NOT the way to go. Ball valves should be used as a on/off valve - they go from nearly 100% flow to nearly 0% flow in a small percentage (e.g., 30%) to the valve handle movement. A
needle valve is what's called for.
Easiest way to measure your waste water to purified water ratio:
Line up about 8 identical cups in front of the system (solo beer cups work well). With your waste water tube in one hand, and your purified water tube in the other, how many glasses do you fill with waste in the time it takes you to fill one with purified? In most situations, shoot for a 3:1, 4:1, or 5:1.