Where's everyone from?

I have a 125 gal FOWLR running right now somewhat new to this. I have a quite a few zoas that were given to me and a few mushrooms all are doing fine but need to get better lighting before I do too much more. Found the site and interested in learning and increasing my knowledge into saltwater.
once you have a chance, post a photo of your setup in the member section.
Yea hopefully this site will give us a opportunity to meet local reefers around here
yes right next to it i used to live in harvey in the trailer courts long time ago when i was little.
I live in Elk Grove Village. Moved here a couple years ago after I put my Lakeview condo up for sale.... great luck right? I'd like to move to Palos Heights when I sell the condo. I work at O'Hare so at least I'm a lot closer than I was at Ashland/Montrose!